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How to parent smarter not harder.

Relocation support

Supporting children through the relocation process involves a lot more than choosing school/childcare and researching a new sports team. The social and emotional impacts of a big move on children and teenagers can be huge.

When children are stressed, they often act out those feelings in challenging behaviour. Swamped by the practical aspects of a move (and possibly already feeling guilty about the upheaval), it’s hard for parents to know how best to respond. Should you be sympathetic and let it go? Or is it best to stick to the boundaries and aim for consistency?

Older children can sometimes internalise their stress, resulting in low mood, negative feelings and anxiety.

The Positive Parenting Project provides bespoke parenting coaching to help parents manage the social, emotional and behavioural impacts of relocation on their children. We deliver expert support to parents before, during and after relocation both face-to-face and via phone/Skype.

photo of a child playing with a box in article on play ideas for busy working parents by parenting expert Anita Cleare